622 nerve-racking

今天我们要学的词是nerve-racking。 Nerve-racking, 让人心烦的,让人伤脑筋的。 "Christmas is nerve-racking for many parents this year who are struggling to pay the bills, let alone buy presents," 今年的圣诞节让很多父母感到头疼,他们连账单都付不起,哪还有钱买礼物呢!

经济衰退也会对大学的入学率产生影响。 "Next fall is shaping up to be a nerve-racking time for many colleges, which also are coping with shrinking budgets," 对于已经面临预算缩减的大学来说,明年秋季恐怕会令人格外头疼。好的,今天我们学习的词是nerve-racking...

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