628 usher in

今天我们要学的词是usher in。 Usher in, 是迎来的意思。新年新气象。 "Many states will usher in the New Year with new laws, including Maine's new law that grants adult adoptees full access to their birth certificates," 很多新的州内立法都定于元旦生效,其中包括缅因州的一项新法,允许被收养人成年后查看自己的出生证。一个旅游网站公布了世界各地迎接新年的十佳场所。 "Coney Island in New York is the number one place to usher in the New Year," 纽约的科尼岛被列为迎接新年的最佳地点。好的,今天我们学习的词是usher in...
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