636 unknown

今天我们要学的词是unknown。 Unknown, 不知道的,没名气的。在星期天美国金球奖颁奖典礼上,影片《贫民百万富翁》包揽了提名的四项大奖。"The film features an unknown cast in the story of an orphan boy in Mumbai," 电影里的演员没有大牌明星,讲述的是印度孟买一个孤儿的故事。

去年美国的风云人物之一是共和党副总统候选人,阿拉斯加州州长萨拉.佩林。 "Palin was an unknown politician before she became a household name during the election," 佩林原来只是一个不出名的政治人物,直到这次大选,才一下子变得家喻户晓。好的,今天我们学习的词是unknown...

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