644 top brass

今天我们要学的词是top brass。 Top brass, 是最高级官员的意思,特别是指高级军官。星期二就职庆祝活动结束后,美国新总统奥巴马立即投入工作。 "Obama met with his economic team and top brass from the Pentagon on Wednesday," 奥巴马星期三会见了经济工作小组和五角大楼高级官员。

英国正在讨论更新核威慑系统的问题。 "Three former top military brass said that a nuclear deterrent is useless against modern threats, particularly international terrorism," 三位前军方高级官员说,面对现代威胁,特别是国际恐怖主义,核威慑根本没用。好的,今天我们学习的词是top brass...

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