657 grueling

今天我们要学的词是grueling。 Grueling, 是高度紧张的意思。 "American football is a grueling sport," 美式足球是一项高强度运动。 "After a grueling week, President Obama took his family to see a dance performance at the Kennedy Center," 经历了一周的紧张工作后,总统奥巴马带着一家人到肯尼迪中心去看舞蹈表演。

韩裔波士顿市议员尹常贤决定参加波士顿市长选举。 "He made the decision after talking to his wife about the impact of a grueling campaign on his young children," 他做出决定前,跟太太商量了紧张竞选可能会给年纪还小的孩子带来的影响。好的,今天我们学习的词是grueling...

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