661 second thought

今天我们要学的词是second thought。 Second thought, 是指因为对原先的决定产生怀疑,而重新考虑的意思,有时用复数。 "I was planning to ask for a raise but on second thought decided to wait for the economy to get better," 我原本打算要求加薪,但是再三考虑后决定等经济好转后再说。

美国新总统奥巴马提名的第二位商务部部长人选,共和党籍参议员格雷格决定退出。奥巴马说, "He was clearly having second thoughts about leaving the Senate," 他显然对离开参议院重新进行了考虑。好的,今天我们学习的词是second thought...

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