667 abuzz

今天我们要学的词是abuzz。 Abuzz, 意思是嘈杂的,喧闹的。 "The conference room was abuzz when I walked in," 我走进会议室的时候,里面十分嘈杂。 "Wall Street is abuzz with speculations that some banks might be nationalized," 华尔街金融界议论纷纷,有传言说一些私有银行可能会被国有化。

美国高尔夫球的第一把交椅老虎.伍兹上星期宣布,一周后将重返赛场。 "The golf world is abuzz over word that Tiger Woods will return soon," 老虎准备重返赛场的消息让高尔夫球界议论纷纷。好的,今天我们学习的词是abuzz...

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