688 take-home message

今天我们要学的词是take-home message。 The take-home message, 意思是得到的教益。常听人说,上年纪了,酒量大不如前了。当事人也许是在谦虚,但是最近有研究恰恰证明了这一点。 "The take-home message of the study is that older adults get drunk faster than younger drinkers," 研究的核心发现是,年纪大的人比年轻人更容易醉酒。经济衰退给人们敲响了警钟。 "The take-home message for most people is that you should not spend beyond your means," 大多数人应该引以为戒的是,花钱不应该超过自己的经济能力。好的,今天我们学习的词是take-home message...
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