730 pro-life

今天我们要学的词是pro-life。 Pro-life意思是反对妇女有堕胎的选择权。Pro-life的对立面是 pro-choice,支持妇女的堕胎权。美国总统奥巴马不久前在圣母大学发表毕业演讲。"Hundreds of pro-life activists flocked to Notre Dame to protest President Obama’s commencement speech," 数以百计的反堕胎活动人士前往圣母大学,对奥巴马总统的演讲表示抗议。

盖洛普公布的一项最新调查显示,"Fifty-one percent of respondents describe themselves as pro-life, while 42% said they are pro-choice," 51%的受访者说自己反对堕胎,42%的人支持妇女有堕胎的选择权。好的,今天我们学习的词是pro-life...

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