752 streak

今天我们要学的词是streak。 Streak, 接连不断的。Winning streak连赢;losing streak连输。费城棒球队的强击手瑞安.霍华德星期天因病缺席比赛。"It ended his streak of games at 343, which was the longest in Major League Baseball," 从而结束了他连续参赛343场的记录。这是美国职棒大联盟里持续场数最多的。

美国西部城市西雅图的干旱天气上星期终于得到了缓解。在此此前,"Seattle had a 29-day dry streak," 西雅图连续29天没有降雨。"The national average price of gas dipped slightly on Monday, snapping a 54-day upward streak," 美国全国平均汽油价格星期一小幅下跌,打破了54天连续上涨的态势。好的,今天我们学习的词是streak...

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