755 whereabouts

今天我们要学的词是whereabouts。 Whereabouts, 行踪,下落。美国南卡罗来纳州州长前一段时间忽然消失。"Even his staff and family seemed to be in the dark about his whereabouts," 就连他的助手和家人好象都不知道他的下落。

"The story of his whereabouts drew widespread media attention," 他的行踪引起了媒体的普遍关心。批评人士指出,做为个人,一时兴起找个地方去散心是他的自由,但是做为一州之长,"He should’ve let the appropriate personnel know his whereabouts," 他理应让工作人员知道自己的下落。好的,今天我们学习的词是whereabouts...

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