757 normalcy

今天我们要学的词是normalcy。 Normalcy正常状态。美国著名流行歌星迈克尔.杰克逊突然去世后,"The Jackson family is trying to give Michael’s three children a sense of normalcy," 杰克逊的家人努力让迈克尔三个孩子的生活保持正常。

美国南卡罗来纳州州长桑福德为情出走,跑到阿根廷去会情人的丑闻上星期曝光。"As her husband’s affair exploded nationwide, Jenny Sanford and their four sons stayed on Sullivan’s Island, striving for normalcy," 丈夫的婚外恋丑闻在全国曝光后,桑福德的妻子詹尼带着四个儿子待在所罗门岛上,设法维持生活的常态。好的,今天我们学习的词是normalcy...

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