768 center stage

今天我们要学的词是center stage。 Center stage, 中央舞台,引伸为注意的焦点。"Abortion opponents saw their issue take center stage during Supreme Court nominee Sotomayor’s confirmation hearing," 反堕胎者看到,他们所关心的议题成为了最高法院提名大法官索托马约尔确认听证会的核心议题。

由于骨折,美国国务卿希拉里.克林顿过去四周内被迫取消了两次出国访问的计划。"Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is trying to retake center stage as the administration’s top foreign policy voice," 克林顿国务卿准备重新占据政府最高外交政策发言人的核心地位。好的,今天我们学习的词是center stage...

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