779 ratchet

今天我们要学的词是ratchet。 Ratchet是一个机械部件,叫棘轮,推动机器向一个方向转动。做为动词,我们可以说: "ratchet something up or ratchet something down," 意思是逐渐提高或是逐渐降低。

哈佛大学非洲裔教授盖茨在自己家中被捕一事引起了美国总统奥巴马的激烈反应。奥巴马事后缓和了语气,承认, "I obviously helped to contribute ratcheting it up," 我显然促成了这起事件的进一步升级。事后,奥巴马采取了一系列行动,努力化解矛盾。"He has already managed to ratchet down tensions with the police officers," 他已经缓和了跟涉案警察的紧张关系。好的,今天我们学习的词是ratchet...

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