785 no-brainer

今天我们要学的词是no-brainer。 No-brainer, 意思是很容易做,很好理解的事情。"The test was a no-brainer," 这次考试简单极了。新英格兰爱国者队是美国最棒的橄榄球队。一个新加盟爱国者队的球员说,"When he learned the Patriots were interested, it was a ’no-brainer,’" 听说爱国者对他感兴趣,对他来说,那还有什么好考虑的!
一边开车一边发短信很危险,这一点不言而喻。难怪有人说,"Banning texting-while-driving is a no-brainer," 禁止一边开车一边发短信是一件无须考虑的事情。好的,今天我们学习的词是no-brainer...

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