809 take by storm

今天我们要学的词是take by storm。 Take by storm, 意思是彻底征服。世界排名第70位的美国乔治亚州17岁女子网球选手奥丁恩在本届美国网球公开赛上过关斩将。"The 17-year-old Melaine Oudin took the tennis world by storm at the U.S. open," 17岁的奥丁恩在美国网球公开赛上一举征服了网球世界。

不久前,以黑色闪电博尔特为首的牙买加田径团队在柏林举行的世界田径锦标赛中表现出色。"The Jamaican track and field team took Berlin by storm," 牙买加田径选手们征服了柏林。好的,今天我们学习的词是take by storm...

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