823 cocktail

今天我们要学的词是cocktail。 大家都知道,Cocktail, 有鸡尾酒的意思。"A cocktail party," 鸡尾酒会。美国派往哥本哈根为芝加哥争取奥运会主办权代表团阵容强大,不仅包括奥巴马总统夫妇,还有美国最具影响力的脱口秀主持人奥普拉。"Oprah will attend dinners and cocktail parties, and chat up members of the International Olympic Committee," 奥普拉将参加各种晚宴和鸡尾酒会,跟国际奥委会成员聊天接触。

Cocktail, 还可以指各种药物或毒品的混合物。"A New York celebrity DJ died from a lethal cocktail of prescription drugs and cocaine," 纽约一个著名DJ死于混合服用各种处方药和可卡因。好的,今天我们学习的词是cocktail...

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