828 mismatch

今天我们要学的词是mismatch。 Mismatch, 是不协调、实力悬殊的意思。"The game is a huge mismatch," 比赛双方实力相差甚远。"There is a mismatch between supply and demand in the housing market," 房地产市场上存在供需失衡的状态。
美国九月份的失业率接近百分之十,但是与此同时,护士和工程师等领域又有很多空缺职位没有人填补。"Experts say the mismatch between job openings and qualified job seekers is likely to persist even as the economy revives," 专家预计,即使经济开始复苏,这种工作空缺和合格人选之间的不平衡状态也会继续下去。好的,今天我们学习的词是mismatch...

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