850 get-go

今天我们要学的词是get-go。 Get-go, 是开始的意思。"From the get-go," 就是从一开始。"The team controlled the game from the get-go," 这只球队从一开始就控制了比赛的局面。"It was clear from the get-go that the candidate would win," 从一开始就很明显,这个候选人一定会赢。"He was serious about the relationship from the get-go," 他从一开始就对这段感情非常认真。"The proposal was a mistake from the get-go," 这项提案从一开始就是个错误。"He was at a disadvantage from the get-go," 他从一开始就处于劣势。好的,今天我们学习的词是get-go...
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