858 guarded

今天我们要学的词是guarded。 Guarded, 谨慎的。最新民调显示,"Most Americans expressed guarded optimism on President Obama's ability to come up with a successful strategy for Afghanistan," 大多数美国人对奥巴马找到策略,成功解决阿富汗问题的能力持谨慎乐观态度。

奥巴马访华期间试图说服中国,对伊朗加大压力。"China remains guarded on Iran's nuclear program," 但是中国在伊朗核项目的问题上保持谨慎态度。全球最大零售连锁店沃尔玛第三季度盈利上升。"But Wal-Mart remains guarded on its sales outlook for the year-end holiday season," 但是沃尔玛对年底假日销量的预期保持谨慎。好的,今天我们学习的词是guarded...第859课

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