873 time-tested

今天我们要学的词是time-tested。 Time-tested, 久经检验的。"Networking is a time-tested method of job-hunting," 通过熟人介绍是历经检验的找工作的好办法。"Franchising is a time-tested business model," 连锁经营是一种历经检验的商业经营模式。"He sticks to his time-tested investing strategies in spite of the market fluctuations," 他不顾市场起伏,坚持自己久经检验的投资策略。"The book is a time-tested classic," 这本书是久经检验的经典作品。"Healthy diet and regular exercise are time-tested ways to stay well," 健康饮食和坚持锻炼是久经检验的保证身体健康的好办法。好的,今天我们学习的词是time-tested...
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