879 sponsor

今天我们要学的词是sponsor。 Sponsor, 是赞助商的意思。老虎.伍兹性丑闻爆发后,"Accenture became the first sponsor to break ties with the world's number one golfer," 埃森哲是第一个跟这个世界排名第一的高尔夫球选手中断合约的公司。"The local supermarket volunteered to sponsor the high school basketball team's trip to the state championship," 当地超市出动提出愿意赞助高中篮球校队,出钱让他们去参加州里的冠军赛。"A group of private investors agreed to sponsor the upcoming chess tournament," 一些私人投资商同意赞助即将举行的象棋锦标赛。好的,今天我们学习的词是sponsor...
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