893 epitome

今天我们要学的词是epitome。 Epitome, 是典型、缩影的意思。"The soldier killed in the bombing incident was described as the epitome of a warrior," 被炸死的那名士兵被说成是“斗士的缩影”。"The popular boy is considered the epitome of cool by all the girls," 在所有女孩子眼中,这个非常受欢迎的男生就是“酷”的缩影。"The movie star was the epitome of a playboy," 这个电影明星是个典型的花花公子。"The basketball player is the epitome of sportsmanship," 这个篮球选手是运动精神的典范。好的,今天我们学习的词是epitome...
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