915 on a shoestring

今天我们要学的词是on a shoestring。 Shoestring, 是鞋带的意思。 "On a shoestring," 意思就是小本经营。"They started the company on a shoestring and made it into a multi-billion dollar enterprise," 他们小本经营开办了这家公司,逐步发展成为价值数十亿美元的大企业。"The free clinic is operating on a shoestring budget with volunteer doctors and nurses," 这家免费诊所资金有限,在那里帮忙的医生和护士都是义务服务。"The award winning movie was produced on a shoestring budget," 这部获奖影片是低成本制作。好的,今天我们学习的词是on a shoestring...
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