918 team up

今天我们要学的词是team up。 To team up, 意思是跟别人合作。"I teamed up with Jack to finish the report on time," 我跟Jack合作,按时完成了报告。"The two organizations teamed up to host the fundraiser event," 这两个机构联手主办这次集资活动。"CBS late-night host David Letterman teamed up with longtime NBC archrival Jay Leno in a commercial," 美国哥伦比亚广播公司晚间节目主持人大卫.莱特曼跟老对头,美国全国广播公司的杰伊.莱诺联手拍摄了广告片。 好的,今天我们学习的词是team up...
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