928 hold off

今天我们要学的词是hold off。 To hold off somebody, 有抵挡住的意思。 "The team successfully held off its opponent and qualified for playoff," 这支球队成功挡住了对手的进攻,入围季后赛。五十年来,美国冰球队第一次在冬季奥运会上打败加拿大队。 "Team U.S.A. held off host country Canada to advance to the quarterfinals," 美国队战胜东道主加拿大队,进入四分之一决赛。 "The Senator managed to hold off the other candidates and won re-election," 这位国会参议员抵挡住了其它候选人的挑战,当选连任。好的,今天我们学习的词是hold off...
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