958 grounds

今天我们要学的词是grounds。 Grounds, 有理由、根据的意思。 "The governor vetoed the bill on security grounds," 州长以安全为由,否决了这项议案。 "More than 20% of the ballots were invalidated on the grounds of fraud," 百分之二十以上的选票因为涉嫌舞弊被宣布无效。 "The company was fined $2 million on grounds of copyright infringement," 这家公司因为侵犯版权被罚款两百万美元。

美国总统奥巴马签署健保法案后, "Fourteen states vowed to challenge it on constitutional grounds," 14个州表示要以宪法为由,挑战健保法案的合法性。好的,今天我们学习的词是grounds...

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