977 makeshift

今天我们要学的词是makeshift。 Makeshift, 临时的,代用的。 "Medical professionals set up makeshift hospitals to treat people injured in the earthquake," 医务人员搭起临时医院,救护地震伤员。 "Children resumed classes in makeshift classrooms," 孩子们在简易教室里恢复了课业。 "A makeshift memorial was set up at the site of the accident with notes and flowers," 事故现场出现了一个简易纪念处,放着很多留言和鲜花。

纽约时报广场星期六发生炸弹袭击未遂事件。 "Police found a makeshift bomb in Times Square," 警察在时报广场上发现了一个自制的炸弹装置。好的,今天我们学习的词是makeshift

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