979 priceless

今天我们要学的词是priceless。 Priceless, 珍贵的,无价的。 "He considered his experience as a volunteer with the peace corps priceless," 他觉得自己在和平队无偿服务的这段经历是极其宝贵的。 "A good public library system is a priceless asset for any community," 对任何一个社区来说,一个好的公共图书馆系统都是无价的财产。

这个星期天,五月九号是母亲节。然而,对母亲表达爱意应该体现在一年365天的每一天里。也许, "She would think little things like a surprise call or a dinner are priceless and worth more than anything else," 她会觉得一通意外电话或晚餐这种小事情才是最珍贵的。好的,今天我们学习的词是priceless...

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