987 shortfall

今天我们要学的词是shortfall。 Shortfall, 是短缺的意思。 "California is facing a $19.1 billion budget shortfall," 美国加州面临着191亿美元的预算短缺。最新报告说, "The Australian housing shortfall will hit 200,000 this year," 澳大利亚房屋供应短缺今年将达到二十万栋。 "Cocoa futures rose to the highest price in two months on speculation that a global supply shortfall will continue to get worse," 可可粉的期货交易价格上升到了两个月来的最高水平,因为有传言说,全球供给短缺的情况还会继续恶化下去 。好的,今天我们学习的词是shortfall...
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