盖茨警告说阿富汗面临“艰巨的战斗 Gates Warns of 'Hard Fighting' in Afghanistan

08 March, 2010



U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates is in Kabul, where he says Afghan and international troops have "hard fighting" ahead of them. Speaking to reporters Monday, Gates praised recent NATO gains, including the takeover of the southern Taliban-held town of Marjah. But when asked if the Marjah offensive and the recent capture of senior Taliban commanders in Pakistan are having a noticeable impact on the Afghan battlefield, he warned against "reading too much" into specific developments and warned of "hard days" ahead. 

He said that overall, the situation in Afghanistan remains serious, but it has stopped deteriorating. The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, General Stanley McChrystal, says allied forces in the south will gradually mass over the coming months to secure Kandahar, a key city in the Taliban's traditional southern stronghold.