奥巴马:不是没有就业的经济恢复 Obama: Recovery Not Jobless

27 September, 2010




U.S. President Barack Obama said Monday that America is not experiencing a "jobless recovery."During a televised interview on NBC's Today Show on Monday, Mr. Obama said the country has seen eight months in a row of job growth. But he said the problem is that the United States has a "big hole to fill" because so many U.S. jobs were lost during the economic crisis. The U.S. unemployment rate is currently 9.6 percent.

President Obama said his administration is focused on accelerating job growth. He added that creating American jobs is the first and last thing he thinks about each day.

On education, the president said America's ability to compete globally is declining.Mr. Obama said compared to other students around the world, U.S. students rank 21st in science and 25th in math. He announced a goal of recruiting 10,000 teachers in the fields of science, math, technology and engineering.