桥不稳导致柬埔寨发生踩踏事件 Unstable Bridge Blamed for Cambodian Stampede

24 November, 2010





A member of the government panel investigating a fatal stampede in Cambodia says the group has concluded the tragedy was caused by mass panic when an overcrowded bridge began to sway.

Mak Chito, an interior ministry official on the investigating committee, said in a television interview Wednesday that the panel will likely release an official statement in the next few days. He spoke on state-run Bayron TV.

Hundreds of people were on the narrow suspension bridge after attending a festival on an island in Phnom Penh. Officials say 354 people were killed in the crush of bodies as people tried to get off of the bridge.

Officials earlier said 378 were killed, but they explained Wednesday that some of the bodies counted at hospitals had died of other causes. They said 395 people were injured.