欧洲国家誓言增加对阿富汗战争的支持 European Nations Vow More Support for Afghan War

28 January, 2011

德国和荷兰保证要进一步增加对阿富汗战争的支持。德国议会星期五进行了投票,大多数议员赞成把德军驻阿富汗的期限延长1年,尽管阿富汗战争在德国国内越来越不得人心。 这项议会授权草案规定在2012年1月以前,最多可向阿富汗派驻5350名军人。在这项草案中还包括一项在“安全局势允许的条件下”,德国从今年年底开始减少士兵数量的条款。德国目前在阿富汗北部驻有超过4800名军人。德国是驻阿富汗军人人数第三多的国家,仅次于美国和英国。


Germany and the Netherlands have both pledged increased support for the war effort in Afghanistan. The German parliament on Friday voted largely in favor of keeping the country's soldiers in Afghanistan for another year, despite increasing unpopularity for the war at home. The mandate authorizes continued deployment of up to 5,350 troops through January 2012, but includes a provision that a troop drawdown will begin by the end of this year, if the "security situation allows."Germany currently has more than 4,800 troops in northern Afghanistan. It is the third largest contributor of troops to Afghanistan, behind the United States and Britain. 

In the Netherlands, parliamentarians approved sending a 545-member police training force to Afghanistan, nearly six months after Dutch troops withdrew from the war.