41:love affair

今天要学的词组是love affair。Love affair是有关爱的事吧?嗨,有那么说的吗?Love affair就是恋爱,或热爱。巴格达一条充满了书店和文具店的著名街道现在空无一人。报导说:"The street was known for love affair with books," 那条街以前是以热爱书籍而闻名。

这说明love affair不一定是指恋爱。你可以说,他热爱唱卡拉OK -- his love affair with karaoke; 她热衷于种花养草 -- her love affair with gardening。至于恋爱嘛,we all like happy endings -- 我们都喜欢结局美好。可是你千万不要把love这个词省略,因为你要是说he had an affair, 那就是说他瞒着妻子在外面有外遇。那可麻烦了!今天学的词组是love affair..

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