
今天学的词是brazen。 Brazen的意思是悍然的,明目张胆的。北韩宣布它进行了第一次核试验。媒体报导说,中国政府谴责北韩不顾国际社会的呼吁,悍然实施核试验: "China denounced North Korea as "brazen" in conducting the nuclear test."

伊朗不顾国际社会的反对,公然表示要继续进行核项目, "Iran brazenly insisted on continuing its nuclear program despite international objections." 一个人不顾禁烟规定居然在飞机上抽烟, "That man smoked on the airplane in brazen violation of the non-smoking rule." 要是有人无耻诽谤你偷东西, "if someone brazenly accused you of stealing," 你肯定会跟他没完没了。今天学的词是brazen...

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