
今天我们要学的词组是clog。 Clog是木底鞋,木屣。作为动词, clog也有障碍和阻塞的意思, 比如排水管堵塞了, "The drain was clogged." 车辆堵塞了高速公路, "Heavy traffic clogged the highway."

还比如,黎巴嫩首都贝鲁特爆发反政府抗议活动。媒体报道说, "Opposition protesters clogged major highways with barricades of burning tires," 反对派抗议者用焚烧的车胎构成路障,阻塞了首都贝鲁特的主要公路。今天我们学习的词组是clog...

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