956 Easter

今天我们要学的词是Easter。 Easter, 复活节。 "Shoppers are expected to spend $13 billion this Easter," 今年复活节,消费者预计要花130亿美元。英国航空公司机组服务人员可能举行罢工。 "The walkouts scheduled ahead of the busy Easter holidays are expected to impact hundreds of thousands of travelers," 罢工定在复活节客运高峰前举行,数以万计的乘客可能会受到影响。 "The White House hosts an Easter Egg Roll every year," 白宫每年都要举办复活节滚彩蛋的活动。 "This year's Easter Egg Roll will focus on healthy kids and going green," 今年复活节滚彩蛋节目的主题是儿童健康和环境保护。好的,今天我们学习的词是Easter...
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