981 prior

今天我们要学的词是prior。 Prior, 有先前的意思。 "He denied any prior knowledge of the plan," 他拒绝承认事先了解有关计划。美国总统奥巴马提名美国联邦总律师艾琳娜.卡根填补最高法院大法官的空缺。卡根以前没当过法官。 "If confirmed, she would be first in four decades to join the Supreme Court without prior experience as a judge," 如果提名得到批准的话,她将是四十年来第一位从没当过法官就进入最高法院的大法官。 "The police arrested hundreds of illegal immigrants with prior criminal convictions during a weekend sweep," 警察在周末清查行动中,抓获了几百名有犯罪前科的非法移民。好的,今天我们学习的词是prior...
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