1076 distraction

今天我们要学的词是distraction。 Distraction, 注意力不集中,分心。美国交通部最新数据显示, "5,474 people were killed in distraction-related car crashes in 2009," 2009年美国跟司机走神有关的车祸造成5474人死亡。除了手机、短信、化装、吃东西外,"Driving with your pets in the car can be a big distraction too," 开车带着宠物也会严重影响你的注意力。工作时间上网会降低工作效率吗?美国在线的调查发现, "44.7% of workers site web surfing as their number one distraction at work," 44.7%的工作人员都把上网列为上班时间最让人分散注意力的事情。好的,今天我们学习的词是distraction...
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