320 overreact

今天我们要学的词是overreact。 Overreact, 是反应过度的意思。"The stock market overreacted to the new regulation," 股市对新规定作出了过度反应。"I didn't expect him to overreact to my comment," 没想到我的话会让他做出这么激烈的反应。

晚上睡不好觉会影响白天的情绪,这一点恐怕大家都有体会。"A new study finds that a lack of sleep causes the brain's emotional centers to overreact to negative experiences," 最新研究发现,缺觉会让大脑里控制情绪的中枢对不好的事情做出过激的反应。好的,今天我们学习的词是overreact...

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