350 focus

今天我们要学的词是focus。 Focus, 是焦点、重点的意思。"She always wants to be the focus of attention," 她总是希望自己能成为大家注意的焦点。德国大陆集团总裁说,"The company will keep their focus on growth, not on cost cutting," 公司将把注意力集中在如何发展壮大,而不是如何减少开支。

美国著名影星布拉德.皮特最近表示,"He will shift his focus from acting to rebuilding New Orleans and extending his family," 他要将生活重点从拍戏转向新奥尔良的重建和继续扩大自己的家庭。好的,今天我们学习的词是focus...

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