380 popularity

今天我们要学的词是popularity。 Popularity, 是有声望,得人心的意思。法国选民对萨尔科奇总统感到不满。"His popularity has fallen sharply for a second successive month," 他的民众支持率连续第二月大幅度下降。

研究人员发现,青春期女孩子在学校里受欢迎的程度跟她们体重增加的多少有关。"Girls who rate themselves low in popularity are more likely to gain excess weight," 觉得自己不受欢迎的女孩子更容易变胖。"The popularity of organic foods has been on the rise," 喜欢有机食物的人越来越多。好的,今天我们学习的词是popularity...

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