420 twilight

今天我们要学的词是twilight。 Twilight, 是暮色、黄昏的意思。"The couple went for a walk along the beach in the twilight," 这对情侣夕阳西下的时候在沙滩上散步。Twilight, 还可以引伸为晚期、衰退期。

对于拳击选手来说,46岁大概就是运动生涯的极限了。"Although in the twilight of his career, four time world heavyweight championship Evander Holyfield revealed that he wanted to win it one more time," 四次赢得世界重量级拳王头衔、已接近退休年龄的伊万德·霍利菲尔德透露说,他还想再赢一次。好的,今天我们学习的词是twilight...

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