500 downsize

今天我们要学的词是downsize。 Downsize, 减小规模,裁减员工。 "The couple downsized to an apartment after their children went to college," 孩子上大学后,夫妇两人卖掉大房子,住进公寓楼。

美国经济不景气,很多人都放弃了早上那一杯香浓美味的星巴克。星巴克决定关掉600家分店。 "Starbucks is downsizing to adjust to the slower economy," 星巴克减少分店,适应放缓的美国经济。 "Russia plans to downsize its army to one million by 2013," 俄罗斯计划在2013年前将军队裁减到一百万人。好,今天我们学习的词是downsize...

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