530 attendance

今天我们要学的词是attendance。 Attendance, 是出席人数的意思。这次北京奥运会的比赛门票虽然已经脱销, "Attendance at times has been spotty at Olympic events in the opening rounds," 但是有些时候,预赛时的观众往往稀稀落落。

据报道,就连美国游泳明星菲尔普斯拿金牌的比赛都有不少空座。与此同时, "Across Beijing, hotels and tourist sites are reporting below average attendance in August," 北京各地的旅馆和旅游景点八月份的游客人数都要低于往年的水平。好的,今天我们学习的词是attendance...

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