670 dead-end

今天我们要学的词是dead-end。 Dead-end, 是死胡同或是僵局的意思。 "The negotiation has hit a dead-end," 谈判陷入了僵局。 "Detectives are at a dead-end in their investigation of the bomb attack," 刑侦人员对炸弹袭击案件的调查走进了一条死胡同。

由于经济不景气,美国很多州都在急着解决预算短缺的问题。 "In Montana, a proposed state tax hike on thriving oil and gas operations has hit a dead end," 在蒙塔那州,一项有关对生意兴隆的石油和天然气企业增加税收的州内议案陷入了僵局。好的,今天我们学习的词是dead-end...

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