1126 boiling point

今天我们要学的词是boiling point。 Boiling point, 沸点,引伸为爆发的那一瞬间。 "The battle between the two teams reached its boiling point yesterday as five players were ejected because of a fight," 这两支球队之间的冲突昨天终于爆发,五个球员因为打架被罚下场。感冒看医生足足在诊所等了三个小时,我快气爆了。 "I was almost at the boiling point after waiting for three hours to see the doctor," 上周以来,朝鲜半岛局势异常紧张,似乎已经接近沸点。 "The Korean Peninsula has been near the boiling point since last week," 好的,今天我们学习的词是boiling point...
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