1241 comb through

今天我们要学的词是comb through。Comb through, 意思是仔细查找。龙卷风过后, "Rescue workers combed through the rubble, searching for survivors," 救援人员在废墟中寻找幸存者。 "Police combed through the house, looking for evidence," 警察在房子里仔细查找线索。击毙基地恐怖组织头目本拉登的同时,美国也从本拉登的藏身之处获取了不少资料。 "A special federal task force is combing through the material," 美国的一个特别联邦行动小组正在这些资料中仔细查找有用的情报。好的,今天我们学习的词是comb through...
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