1521 vaunt

今天我们要学的词是 vaunt. Vaunt is spelled v-a-u-n-t, vaunt. Vaunt 是“炫耀,吹嘘”的意思。美国法庭最近对前美国副总统候选人爱德华兹挪用竞选资金案作出无罪和无效审判的判决。The ruling was a new setback for the prosecution--the Justice Department's public integrity section, a once-vaunted watchdog. 此案的公诉方--美国司法部公职人员操守处曾是倍受吹捧的监督机构,这一裁决是对该机构的又一次打击。 California's vaunted state colleges are losing their competitive edge because of higher tuition rates and a decrease in the quality of college programs. 因为学费增加,大学课程质量下降,美国加州一度倍受推崇的州立大学正在失去竞争力。好,今天我们学习的词是vaunt, vaunt, vaunt...

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